Dr. Ramin Norousi
Driving digital transformation based on Machine Learning and Data Analytics
- My Mission Gaining meaningful insights from various types of data based on Machine Learning
- Roles Senior Data Analyst / Data Scientist / ML Experte
- Skills Machine Learning | Analytics | Data Strategy
- Current Job Senior Data Analyst | University Lecturer
- E-mail ramin@norousi.de
- Phone +49 178 3351353
- Freelance Since 2020
Download My Doctoral Thesis (2014)
My Article in Journal of Structural Biology (2013)
My Article about Predictive Analytics on Hadoop (2017)
My Blog about Data-Driven Transformation @SAP
Senior Data Scientist specializing in Machine Learning and Analytics with more than 10 years of experience. I gained broad
experience as management consultant, project lead and ML expert within the automotive industry, focusing on Customer Experience.
I'm supporting companies to realize ML use cases in order to gain profound insights and business values from their
Well-versed in numerous programming languages including MATLAB, Python and R.
Professional Skills
Programming Skills
Professional Experience
Senior Data Scientist and Business Process Consultant
Driving digitalization in Automotive based on Data Analytics and Machine Learning at SAP Business Transformation Services (BTS) Taking on different roles from Machine Learning expert, over innovation manager to project lead for various digitalization projects.
MHP - A Porsche Company
As head of Predictive Analytics compentency center, I was responsible for establishing and leading the competence center. Project lead with team leadership.
mobilcom-debitel GmbH
Senior Data Mining Analyst
Carrying out various Data Mining analyses in Customer Experience (CX) department, in order to support campaign manager for optimization of customer approaches.
Aalen University
Lecturer and Research Assisstant
Research associate and lecturer at faculcy of Economics of university of Aalen. Teaching of quantitative subjects.
Certified as Design Thinking Coach
Project Management Certification
IBM SPSS Modeler Certified
SPSS Modeler Data Mining & Modeler Professional
"Automatic approaches for microscopy imaging based on machine learning and spatial statistics"
Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich
Master of Computer Science
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology - KIT

Automatic post-picking using MAPPOS improves particle image detection from Cryo-EM micrographs Dr. Ramin Norousi et. al. (2011)
Cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) studies using single particle reconstruction are extensively used to reveal structural information on macromolecular complexes. Aiming at the highest achievable resolution, state of the art electron microscopes automatically acquire thousands of high-quality micrographs. Particles are detected on and boxed out from each micrograph using fully- or semi-automated approaches. However, the obtained particles still require laborious manual post-picking classification, which is one major bottleneck for single particle analysis of large datasets. We introduce MAPPOS, a supervised post-picking strategy for the classification of boxed particle images, as additional strategy adding to the already efficient automated particle picking routines. MAPPOS employs machine learning techniques to train a robust classifier from a small number of characteristic image features. In order to accurately quantify the performance of MAPPOS we used simulated particle and non-particle images. In addition, we verified our method by applying it to an experimental cryo-EM dataset and comparing the results to the manual classification of the same dataset. Comparisons between MAPPOS and manual post-picking classification by several human experts demonstrated that merely a few hundred sample images are sufficient for MAPPOS to classify an entire dataset with a human-like performance. MAPPOS was shown to greatly accelerate the throughput of large datasets by reducing the manual workload by orders of magnitude while maintaining a reliable identification of non-particle images.
Keywords: Electron microscopy - Particle picking - Machine learning - Classification ensemble - 3D cryo-EM density map
For more information, take a look on my paper at Journal of Structural Biology

MAPPOS: Machine learning Algorithm for Particle POSt-picking Dr. Ramin Norousi (2013)
MAPPOS is a software package for classification of windowed micrograph images which are output by common picking software (e.g. Signature) in the 3D cryo electron microscopy (3DEM).
It replaces the laborious manual post processing step, which is a bottleneck for next generation of electron microscopy. It is implemented in Matlab and runs on any platform for which is Matlab available.
MAPPOS is devided into learning phase and predicition phhase. The toolbox is equipped with several model classes for out-of-box usage. Instead of learning one classifier, it uses an ensemble method, in which the classification is the majority vote of a number of individual classifiers. It uses decision trees as the basic learning method. The fact that there is no single explicit parameter that needs to be tuned by the user greatly contibutes to the robustness of MAPPOS and its user-friendliness.For more information, you can download my paper directly from my website My Paper about MAPPOS

Automatic 3D object detection of Proteins in Fluorescent labeled microscope images with spatial statistical analysisDr. Ramin Norousi, Volker J. Schmid (2016)
Since manual object detection is very inaccurate and time consuming, some automatic object detection tools have been developed in recent years. At the moment, there is no image analysis software available which provides an automatic, objective assessment of 3D foci which is generally applicable. Complications arise from discrete foci which are very close or even come in contact to other foci, moreover they are of variable sizes and show variable signal-to-noise, and must be analyzed fully in 3D. Therefore we introduce the 3D-OSCOS (3D-Object Segmentation and Colocalization Analysis based on Spatial statistics) algorithm which is implemented as a user-friendly toolbox for interactive detection of 3D objects and visualization of labeled images.
Keywords: 3D Object Detection - Fluorescent - Spatial Statistics
For more information, take a look on my paper at Cornell University Library

Suspension Bridges - Design Technology
Suspension bridges in their simplest form were originally made from rope and wood.
Modern suspension bridges use a box section roadway supported by high tensile
strength cables.
In the early nineteenth century, suspension bridges used iron chains for cables. The
high tensile cables used in most modern suspension
bridges were introduced in the late nineteenth century.
Today, the cables are made of thousands of individual steel wires bound tightly
together. Steel, which is very strong under tension, is
an ideal material for cables; a single steel wire, only 0.1 inch thick, can support
over half a ton without breaking.
Light, and strong, suspension bridges can span distances from 2,000 to 7,000 feet far longer than any other kind of bridge. They are ideal for covering busy waterways.
With any bridge project the choice of materials and form usually comes down to cost. Suspension bridges tend to be the most expensive to build. A suspension bridge suspends the roadway from huge main cables, which extend from one end of the bridge to the other. These cables rest on top of high towers and have to be securely anchored into the bank at either end of the bridge. The towers enable the main cables to be draped over long distances. Most of the weight or load of the bridge is transferred by the cables to the anchorage systems. These are imbedded in either solid rock or huge concrete blocks. Inside the anchorages, the cables are spread over a large area to evenly distribute the load and to prevent the cables from breaking free.
The Arthashastra of Kautilya mentions the construction of dams and bridges.A Mauryan bridge near Girnar was surveyed by James Princep. The bridge was swept away during a flood, and later repaired by Puspagupta, the chief architect of emperor Chandragupta I. The bridge also fell under the care of the Yavana Tushaspa, and the Satrap Rudra Daman. The use of stronger bridges using plaited bamboo and iron chain was visible in India by about the 4th century. A number of bridges, both for military and commercial purposes, were constructed by the Mughal administration in India.

Amplifying the Value of Data-Driven Transformation Dr. Ramin Norousi (2019)
Are you looking for the „right“ path to foster data-driven transformation based on machine learning?
Take a look at my article about my recently developed methodological framework: SAP Data Science Framework.
For more information, take a look on article at SAP Services and Support
A Comparison of Predictive Analytics Solutions on Hadoop
Dr. Ramin Norousi et. al. 2017
New approaches regarding data streaming, data storage and data analysis have been developed facing the huge volume and velocity of generated data. Enterprises are convinced that one of their key success factor is to consider available data searching for patterns and predicting the future in order to gain more insights about their business, to optimize processes and to save costs. Hence, predictive analytics has never been considered more important than it is now. Hadoop as a popular open-source framework was introduced to store and process extremely large data sets. The paper shows various ways of carrying out predictive analytics based on a Hadoop ecosystem. We investigated different solutions of both commercial vendors and open-source communities interoperating with Hadoop. Each scenario is described by its technical implementation, features and restrictions. A comparison sums up the most important issues to get a deeper insight in order to optimize Predictive Analytics Solutions based on Hadoop.
Keywords: Hadoop - predictive analytics - Big data - Spark - IBM SPSS Modeler - RapidMiner Radoop
For more information, take a look on paper at Springer Link
My Interests
in my free time i do as much sport as possible including jogging, playing tennis and swimming. Further, I've been a football referee for 20 years. I like playing the violin. Recently I am interested in trading or rather in the application of machine learning for trading (Algorithmic Trading)
- Playing Tennis
- Swimming
- Bicycling
- Algorithmic Trading
- Jogging
Contact Me
Feel free to contact me
- Address Heidelberg - Germany
- phone +49 1783351353
- E-mail ramin@norousi.de